Recognizing Various Diseases on ECG,hypokalemia ECG
Hypokalemia ECG
Key ECG Finding: A U wave may appear after the T wave on an ECG. Understanding and recognizing this ECG finding is crucial for detecting and managing hypokalemia effectively
ECG Findings:
- PR interval depression
- ST elevation in all ECG leads
Pulmonary Embolism
ECG Findings in Leads I and III:
- Deep S wave in lead I
- Deep Q wave in lead III
- Inverted T wave in lead III
Inferior Wall Myocardial Infarction (MI)
ECG Leads to Check: II, III, and AVF
Key Finding: ST elevation
AV Nodal Delay
ECG Finding: Prolonged PR interval, which can be indicative of AV block.
Bundle Branch Block
Key ECG Finding: Widened QRS complex
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